Your name in my book
200+ varieties are described in the forthcoming Beyond Shiraz book. You can make it more interesting by adding a food suggestion.
I am compiling another book. It is five years since my last one, Rare Ozzies was published. You can still get the ebook version of it from Amazon.
Beyond Shiraz will cover the 200+ wine grape varieties used in Australia, or maybe it is just 199.
What varieties will be in Beyond Shiraz?
A list of the varieties to be covered in Beyond Shiraz can be found in this document.
Your name in Beyond Shiraz
I am offering subscribers of the Vinodiversity Community a chance to get their name in this book. They will make food suggestions for a few of the varieties mentioned in Beyond Shiraz.
If you wish to have your name in my forthcoming book, please email me with a food suggestion for one (maybe two or three) of the wines listed in this Google Doc. The varieties with two ** in the list have been taken, so pick another.
Just a couple of lines is plenty. Please be more specific.
Rather than saying
Good with paste and pizza
Elaborate a bit to say
This red would go well with a spicy pasta like Spaghetti Putanesca
A couple of examples will give you the idea.
Arinto’s acidity and citrusy flavour calls for richer seafood dishes, perhaps based on the Portuguese speciality bacalhau (salt cod) - Darby Higgs, Vinodiversity
Shiraz is good with tinned spaghetti with tomato sauce on toast - Joe Blow, Blowhard Estate Wines, Blowsville.
Thank you for your ongoing support
I’d like to thank you for your support of this publication and the Vinodiversity website. I appreciate the comments, collective wisdom and chatter we enjoy in the Taste and Talk sessions.